Apple Smoothie Recipe

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Whether an apple a day keeps the doctor away or not, this Apple Smoothie will definitely keep those hunger pangs away, that too in a wholesome way. This delicious, healthy Apple Smoothie recipe has just 3 ingredients – fresh apples, coconut milk and cinnamon. Thus, is vegan and gluten-free too. Drink it post workout or enjoy it as a meal, the choice is yours!

apple smoothie served in a glass garnished with cinnamon powder with two apples kept on the side with text layovers

About Apple Smoothie

I have used coconut milk in this Apple Smoothie recipe, which makes it vegan. Other choices of vegan milk that you can use are non-GMO soy milk, almond milk and cashew milk. I also prefer adding the cinnamon as it brings a nice flavor and aroma in the smoothie.

It is a no-brainer that sweet apples work the best for smoothies and milkshakes and that you should use the same for this Apple Smoothie recipe too. Sour or tart apples are thus, a big no. Also, as you are using sweet apples, you can skip adding any extra sweetener in this beverage.

Vendors selling apples in the market cover the fruits with wax and they usually have a lot of pesticides on them too. Hence, I opt for the organic produce.

In case you can’t source organic apples, you can clean the regular apples in this way: soak apples in a vinegar-water mixture for 15 to 20 minutes, and thoroughly wash them. Add 1 part of vinegar to 3 parts of water.

Love apple based desserts? Check out my recipes of Apple Pie, Apple Crumble and Apple Halwa

Step-by-Step Guide

How to make Apple Smoothie

1. Rinse 2 large organic apples and peel them. Quarter and then remove the seeds and pith. Then, chop the apples in chunks.

peeled apples chopped in chunks for apple smoothie.

2. Take the chopped apples in a blender jar.

chopped apples in a blender jar.

3. Add 1 pinch ground cinnamon powder.

adding cinnamon powder to the chopped apples in the blender jar.

4. Pour ½ cup of lite coconut milk or coconut milk which has a thin or medium consistency.

You can also use almond milk instead of coconut milk. If you want, you can add some sweetener like cane sugar, jaggery, palm sugar, maple syrup or coconut sugar.

thin or medium consistency coconut milk added to the blender jar.

5. Blend till smooth.

blend the ingredients till smooth.

6. Pour straight away in glasses and serve Apple Smoothie immediately. Do not keep for a long time as then the smoothie turns dark due to oxidation. While serving, you can add a pinch of ground cinnamon or top with some chopped apples.

Enjoy this Apple Smoothie as a healthy breakfast, light lunch or a snack.

apple smoothie served in a glass garnished with cinnamon powder with two apples kept on the side.

The right choice of milk

It is best to consume fresh fruits in the way they are available in nature. But it also is a great thing to make Smoothies and Milkshakes with them. Going on the same lines, I often make this Apple Smoothie too because it is super easy, vegan and healthy too.

As Ayurveda (the ancient system of Indian medicine) says that some fruits are incompatible with dairy milk and must be avoided that way, I use almond milk and coconut milk for most of my fruit-based smoothies. Consuming fruit beverages made with regular milk may cause bloating, gas and other digestion problems.

So, it is best to avoid it and go for the nutritious, natural and plant-based milks for your drinks.

Expert Tips

  1. Make sure you chop the fresh apples just before you start with this Apple Smoothie recipe, or else they will discolor due to oxidation.
  2. Pick sweet apples for this smoothie and not sour or tangy ones.
  3. Instead of cinnamon, you can add any other flavoring like green cardamom powder or vanilla.
  4. You can add sweetener of your choice depending upon the level of sweetness you want in the smoothie – cane sugar, jaggery, maple syrup, honey, palm sugar and coconut sugar are your choices.
  5. You can convert this smoothie into a smoothie bowl. Just make the smoothie a little thicker than the usual and have it with your favorite toppings like granola, nuts, other fruits, coconut flakes, seeds, etc.
  6. Add some protein powder to make this smoothie more healthier.


Is it necessary to peel the apples for the smoothie?

I suggest that you peel the apples and use in this smoothie because not doing so may change the texture of the drink. However, if you choose to use unpeeled apples, it will definitely make the smoothie more nutritious but the apples peels can have pesticides residues on them.

Can I add regular sugar in this smoothie?

Yes, you can. But make sure to check the sweetness of the apples first and then add the sugar depending upon how sweet you want the smoothie to be.

My Apple Smoothie turned dark after a while. What can be the reason?

The smoothie turned dark due to oxidation which is a common phenomenon in apples.

Can I make this smoothie with frozen apple?

Yes, you can make this smoothie with frozen apple.

Is it necessary to add ground cinnamon in this smoothie?

No, it is not. But I suggest you do because apple and cinnamon is one of the most delicious flavor combinations.

More Smoothie Recipes To Try!

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apple smoothie in a glass with a light pinch of ground cinnamon on top of smoothie

Apple Smoothie Recipe

This Apple Smoothie recipe is a delicious and healthy smoothie made with only three ingredients – apples, coconut milk and ground cinnamon.
5 from 5 votes
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Cuisine American, World
Course Beverages
Diet Gluten Free, Vegan
Difficulty Level Easy
Servings 2


  • 2 apples – large, preferably organic
  • ½ cup Coconut Milk – thin or medium consistency or lite coconut milk
  • 1 pinch ground cinnamon – optional


  • Rinse the apples and then peel them. Quarter them and remove the seeds. 
  • Take the chopped apples in a blender jar.
  • Add the ground cinnamon powder and coconut milk.
  • Blend till smooth and fine. If you prefer a slightly thinner consistency, add some more coconut milk or a bit of water.
  • Pour straight away in glasses and serve Apple Smoothie immediately. Do not keep for a long time as then the smoothie turns dark due to oxidation.


  • Use sweet tasting apples to make the smoothie.
  • Plant based milk like cashew milk, oat milk, almond milk and GMO free soy milk all work well in the recipe. 
  • Opt to skip the flavorings like ground cinnamon if you prefer or add your favorite flavorings. Some options to consider are vanilla extract, a pinch of grated or ground nutmeg, green cardamom powder. 
  • For a more healthier smoothie you can add some protein powder while blending the apples and coconut milk.
  • Omit adding the sweetener according to your preferences or use your favorite sweetener. 

Nutrition Info (Approximate Values)

Nutrition Facts
Apple Smoothie Recipe
Amount Per Serving
Calories 112 Calories from Fat 9
% Daily Value*
Fat 1g2%
Saturated Fat 1g6%
Polyunsaturated Fat 1g
Monounsaturated Fat 1g
Sodium 2mg0%
Potassium 195mg6%
Carbohydrates 27g9%
Fiber 5g21%
Sugar 21g23%
Protein 1g2%
Vitamin A 99IU2%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 1mg67%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 1mg59%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 1mg5%
Vitamin B6 1mg50%
Vitamin B12 1µg17%
Vitamin C 8mg10%
Vitamin D 30µg200%
Vitamin E 1mg7%
Vitamin K 4µg4%
Calcium 36mg4%
Vitamin B9 (Folate) 11µg3%
Iron 1mg6%
Magnesium 19mg5%
Phosphorus 20mg2%
Zinc 1mg7%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

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This Apple Smoothie recipe post is from the archives first published in January 2018 and has been republished and updated on 24 May 2022.

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Welcome to Dassana's Veg Recipes. I share vegetarian recipes from India & around the World. Having been cooking for decades and with a professional background in cooking & baking, I help you to make your cooking journey easier with my tried and tested recipes showcased with step by step photos & plenty of tips & suggestions.

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  1. How will be the taste of soy,almond or coconut milk .in my place I get in huge qty so want to confirm before buying
    Can we prepare coffee or tea from above milk if yes then how

    Ur reply will be great help

    Thanks in advance

    1. with soy milk and almond milk coffee can be prepared. with soy milk you can heat tea tea the way we heat and boil with milk like they do in indian homes. with almond milk, just add it directly to the tea or lightly warm. if almond milk is boiled with tea then it becomes sticky. with coconut milk also add directly. do not heat as the coconut milk curdles. taste is very different. the taste of the type of milk is felt in the tea. i have made teas with all these three milk. out of this almond milk slightly gives a neutral taste and tastes more like tea made with milk.

      when buying any of these milks readymade, check the ingredients and other stuff. for soy milk always use non gmo soy milk. gmo (genetically modified organism) soybeans are not good for body. for almond milk check the stuff that is added in it. if it has carageenan which is used as thickener, then avoid as it can cause cancer. also check for other additives, thickeners and preservatives. a quick google search can give you the harmful effects of these. since you are planning to take these milks everyday, its better to be on the safe side. i usually make coconut milk and almond milk at home. so whenever these are there in the fridge, i do make smoothies or milkshakes with them.

      1. thank u so much for the valuable comments .i am so happy to receive the detailed reply .thanks a lot again.
