Bread and Butter Pudding (Without Eggs)

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Made with 10 pantry staple ingredients that are so much more than the sum of their parts, this eggless Bread and Butter pudding recipe is the epitome of comfort food. If you’re on the lookout for a simple dessert using items you probably already have on hand, stop your scrolling!

a thick round slice of bread butter pudding in a white plate with a spoon.

What is Bread & Butter Pudding

This deliciously cozy dessert is of British origin. Traditionally, the pudding is made with few days old bread, butter, sultanas or raisins, and a vanilla custard base made from milk, cream, and eggs.

While it is similar to regular bread pudding (like my Caramel Bread Pudding), it usually has a bit more custard and almost always includes dried fruits, and this recipe is baked rather than steamed.

Bread Butter Pudding is a delightful dessert unto itself, but there are plenty of ways to dress it up. You can drizzle it with chocolate sauce or caramel sauce, if you prefer.

It is also delicious when topped with ice cream, whipped cream, or even just a drizzle of clotted cream.

About This Recipe

My recipe for bread and butter puddings makes a few changes to the traditional version. First, since I prefer my bakes to be slightly healthier, I opted to use a homemade whole wheat bread in place of the white bread that is usually called for. You could easily substitute a hearty brown bread as well.

This recipe only calls for about ½ a loaf of bread, which is perfect for our household. We often can’t get all the way through a loaf before it goes stale! In this case, we used half to make Bombay Sandwich and the other half went towards dessert.

Secondly, while many bread butter pudding recipes call for the use of eggs, mine is made with an easy eggless custard that has been thickened with cornflour (a.k.a. corn starch). Once you master this custard made without eggs, you can easily adapt any recipe that calls for custard!

Aside from those changes, this delicious bread and butter pudding is a wonderful recipe to keep in your back pocket. It is very inexpensive to make and uses just 10 pantry ingredients that you likely already have on hand.

In addition, it is quite easy to make! You’ll only need to spend about 20 active minutes making bread butter pudding — the rest of the time is dedicated to letting the bread soak up all the custard and then letting it bake to puffy, golden perfection!

Step-by-Step Guide

How To Make Bread Butter Pudding

1. Spread butter on 8 to 10 bread slices, then cut them into bite-sized pieces. Slice them in cubes, squares, triangles or rectangles per your fancy; I chopped mine into small cubes.

Since I used homemade bread, I opted to not slice the crusts, but you can if you prefer.

buttered bread for making bread & butter pudding recipe.

2. Add a single layer of bread in a greased baking tray with the buttered side up. Sprinkle the bottom layer with 1 tablespoon of raisins.

Layer again with bread slices and another round of 1 tablespoon of raisins. Set aside.

layered buttered slices in the bottom of a greased baking crock.

4. In a broad pan or a sauce pan, mix 3 cups whole milk, 6 tablespoons sugar (or as needed), and 2 tablespoons cornstarch very well with a wired whisk.

eggless custard ingredients in a saucepan.

5. Bring this mixture to a gentle simmer on a low heat. You just need to gently heat the custard sauce and stir it often for it to do its magic.

warming the eggless custard mixture over a low flame.

6. The sauce will start to thicken. Continue to stir so that no lumps are formed.

cooking the eggless custard mixture to make bread and butter pudding.

7. The consistency should be thick enough to coat the back of a spoon, like that of a custard sauce.

the custard is ready when it is thick enough to coat a spoon.

8. Once the sauce is thickened, add 3 teaspoons of vanilla extract and 2 pinches of nutmeg powder or grated nutmeg.

adding nutmeg, vanilla, and cinnamon to custard for flavoring the bread and butter pudding.

9. Stir to combine, then pour this eggless custard over the bread layer. Dot with some softened butter on top and optionally sprinkle 1 tablespoon brown sugar evenly on the top layer.

While the bread soaks in the custard, preheat the oven at 180° C (350° F) for 15 minutes.

pour custard mixture over buttered bread pieces.

10. Bake in the preheated oven at 180° C/356° F for 35 to 40 mins, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the pudding comes out clean and the pudding is set firmly. The top should also be a lovely shade of golden-brown.

Note: I had to use two baking pans for the pudding. Feel free to make it in individual ramekins or bowls, adjusting the baking time down as needed depending on the size of your containers.

bread and butter pudding prior to baking.

11. The baked eggless bread butter pudding photo below.

eggless bread butter pudding after coming out of the oven - it is golden brown and clearly set on top.

12. Let the pudding cool enough to handle the pan, and then slice and serve the Bread and Butter Pudding while still warm.

slice of eggless bread and butter pudding on a white plate with a silver spoon.

Optional Variations

This lovely and simple dessert recipe is quite nice just as written, but there are plenty of opportunities to customize it to your liking. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Use different mix-ins. If you don’t like raisins or don’t have any on hand, try using toasted nuts, other dried fruits, or even chocolate chips in their place.
  • Top with sauce, chantilly, or ice cream. Serving bread and butter plain is perfectly acceptable, but you can easily dress it up. Try using chocolate or caramel sauce, crème anglaise, lightly sweetened whipped cream, or a scoop of ice cream.
  • Use a different type of bread. This recipe will work with any puffy sort of bread including white sandwich bread, brioche, or croissants. You can also use up the last of your cinnamon raisin bread if you like!
  • Make it vegan. The eggless custard will work just as well with a creamy plant-based milk like canned coconut milk or oat milk.

Expert Tips

  • Use a few days old bread (or toast it). If you use bread that is too fresh, it’ll have a hard time soaking up all the custardy goodness! If your bread is still springy, dry it out in a warm oven before using.
  • Allow the custard plenty of time to soak in prior to baking. I like to assemble the bread pudding before I set my oven to preheat. You’re also welcome to let the unbaked bread and butter pudding hang out in the fridge overnight if you prefer.
  • Add a bit of sugar to the top before baking for a pretty, caramelized appearance. Sometimes I sprinkle brown sugar on top before baking the pudding. Not only does it look extra pretty, but it’ll make your kitchen smell like heaven.
  • Serve warm. While you’ll want to refrigerate any leftovers, reheat the slices as you serve them. They’re simply much tastier that way!


Can bread and butter pudding be frozen?

Most of the food can be frozen. But I do not suggest or recommend freezing dairy based food. So the best thing would be eat the pudding on the same day or refrigerate the leftovers for a day or two.

How long does bread butter pudding last?

Once baked, you can eat the bread and butter pudding immediately. Any leftovers should keep well for up to 1 to 2 days if covered and refrigerated.

Why is my bread & butter pudding soggy?

Ooops! Sounds like it needs a little more time in the oven. You’ll know it is cooked well when the top feels set and a toothpick inserted into the middle comes out clean.

More Decadent Desserts To Try!

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Bread and Butter Pudding (Without Eggs)

Made with pantry staple ingredients that are so much more than the sum of their parts, this Bread and Butter pudding recipe is the epitome of comfort food. If you're on the lookout for a simple dessert made without eggs, using items you probably already have on hand, try this recipe.
4.72 from 14 votes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Cuisine British, World
Course Desserts
Diet Vegetarian
Difficulty Level Moderate
Servings 5


  • 8 to 10 slices Bread – white bread, whole wheat, brown bread, about 350 grams of bread
  • 3 cups whole milk
  • 6 tablespoons raw sugar or regular white granulated sugar – adjust as per your taste
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch (heaped)
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons Butter – unsalted and softened, add as required
  • 3 teaspoons vanilla extract (natural) or 1 teaspoon artificial vanilla essence
  • 2 tablespoons golden raisins
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar – optional
  • 2 pinches nutmeg powder or grated nutmeg
  • 2 pinches cinnamon powder – optional


  • Grease a rectangular or round baking pan with some softened butter. You can also use medium to large ramekins for making the pudding.
  • Spread butter evenly on all the bread slices.
  • Slice them in small cubes, squares or rectangles.
  • Layered the bread buttered side up, in the greased baking tray.
  • Sprinkle the bottom layer with half of the raisins. Layer again with bread slices. Lastly again sprinkle the remaining raisins on top and set aside.
  • Now preheat your oven to 180° C/356° F for 15 minutes.
  • In another skillet or a sauce pan, mix milk, sugar and cornstarch very well with a wired whisk.
  • Keep the pan on a low heat and gently simmer this mixture, stirring often till the mixture thickens.
  • Make sure no lumps are formed. So you have to stir continuously.
  • Once the mixture is thickened and coats the back of a spoon, add vanilla extract, cinnamon powder and nutmeg powder.
    Mix to combine the flavoring evenly in the custard sauce.
  • Now pour this eggless custard over the bread layers.
  • Dot with some butter on top.
  • Sprinkle brown sugar evenly on the top layer.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 180° C/356° F for 35 to 40 mins till the tooth pick or wooden skewer inserted in the center of the pudding comes out clean and the pudding is set.
    (Please check the notes section below for more details on baking time.)
  • The top layer will also get browned.
  • Once the Bread and Butter Pudding becomes warm or cools, slice and serve.


Baking Notes

Depending on the temperature in your oven and the size of your pan, the pudding might take less or more time than mentioned here.
The temperature varies from oven to oven. So take your call and keep an eye.
The benchmark is that the pudding should set firmly and a tooth pick inserted in the pudding should come out clean.
If for some reason, the pudding is not set and still slightly runny, then continue to bake for some more time till it sets firmly.

Nutrition Info (Approximate Values)

Nutrition Facts
Bread and Butter Pudding (Without Eggs)
Amount Per Serving
Calories 358 Calories from Fat 99
% Daily Value*
Fat 11g17%
Saturated Fat 6g38%
Trans Fat 0.2g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1g
Monounsaturated Fat 2g
Cholesterol 30mg10%
Sodium 306mg13%
Potassium 343mg10%
Carbohydrates 53g18%
Fiber 2g8%
Sugar 30g33%
Protein 10g20%
Vitamin A 380IU8%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 0.3mg20%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.3mg18%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 3mg15%
Vitamin B6 0.2mg10%
Vitamin B12 1µg17%
Vitamin C 0.3mg0%
Vitamin D 2µg13%
Vitamin E 0.3mg2%
Vitamin K 3µg3%
Calcium 249mg25%
Vitamin B9 (Folate) 39µg10%
Iron 2mg11%
Magnesium 40mg10%
Phosphorus 216mg22%
Zinc 1mg7%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

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This Bread and Butter Pudding recipe from the archives first published in June 2014 has been updated and republished on January 2023.

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Welcome to Dassana's Veg Recipes. I share vegetarian recipes from India & around the World. Having been cooking for decades and with a professional background in cooking & baking, I help you to make your cooking journey easier with my tried and tested recipes showcased with step by step photos & plenty of tips & suggestions.

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  1. The recipe turned our awesome. I did it with the raisins, cinnamon and nutmeg, but used extract vanilla essence. Thank you for a lovely recipe.

    1. Great and thanks for sharing the variations you made to the recipes. Most welcome.

  2. Hello Dassana jii I just want to know what is an alternative to vanilla extract ?? In many other recipes of yours it has been used. And what is the difference between vanilla extract and essence ? Thanks a lot for your guidance ?

    1. amandeep, an alternative would be to use vanilla beans. just slit a bean into two. scrape the tiny seeds and add them in the batter or the dessert you are preparing. vanilla extract is where the flavors of a vanilla bean are extracted in an alcohol base. vanilla essence has no real vanilla in it, but its artificially made with chemicals and flavoring agents. i prepare vanilla extract at home and have shared the recipe on the blog.

  3. Hii. Your recipes are just too good. I hv a query abt the recipe that can i use custard powder. And i hv a microwave, can i make the pudding in it.

    1. shruti, you can use custard powder. pudding can be baked in the convection mode of microwave but not in the microwave mode.

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